They came in their numbers - one, two, three, four then a multitude of
about four thousand men gathered to be taught at the feet of the Master.
Everyone had a need: unspoken, personal, scary, desperate, incredible; all sorts. Some
had walked a long distance to come. Some might have heard of the miracles of the
Master. In their minds as mere mortals, there were so many questions: amidst
this large crowd, will I be noticed? If I follow the Lord fully, forsaking fraudulent
ways, how do I cater for my children? When the Master is gone, what happens to
me when I need money to settle my bills? On and on and on, their minds rattled.
The ministrations went on until they were with Him three days.
One thing they didn’t fully know was the depth of love the Master had
for them. He was capable of handling distinctive problems that only He could
decipher and solve. He knew exactly what to do to meet issues that would better
their lives without their asking. He understood the whispers; even their thoughts they couldn't voice out. He saw that battered person, the rejected fellow, the abused soul. Yes, He felt their hurt. Then He said to his disciples, "I have compassion for these people;
they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send
them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come
a long distance” (Mark 8:2-3 NIV). In a remote place where they could get
only seven loaves of bread and few fish, the Master gave thanks and
‘confidently’ said they should distribute the food. All ate to their fill and
seven basketfuls were gathered.
What is it you desire He does for you? God knows exactly what to do for
you to dry your tears. He will never leave you empty; He is in charge. Be encouraged.
Anticipate the very BEST. Peace!!!
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